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Star Wars: Death Troopers

Star Wars: Death Troopers (audiobook) by Joe Schreiber

After deciding to try and read more, I went and renewed my library card (I still don't think library cards should expire but anyway). My library also offers audiobooks for download. When looking through the list, I saw Death Troopers which I remembered when it came out years ago and I planned on reading it at somewhere point. Well, many years later I finally got to it. Sort of. I grabbed the audio book because I already bought another book for the ereader and I have been getting tired of listening to music in the car. I like being able to listen to audiobooks in the car, it's a nice change. I'm also, like I've said before, the slowest reader in the world and audiobooks are a faster option for me. In my opinion, it's not as rewarding to finish an audiobook as it is to finished reading a book but it's still enjoyable. One problem I have with audiobooks is that if I don't enjoy the reader it can be tough to get through. I've stopped listening to a few books for that very reason. Fortunately, this one was really well done. It was done like a radio play with sound effects and all. I really enjoyed Sean Kenin's reading. He had enough versatility in his vocal acting to subtly change his voice for each character while sounding completely natural.
So what is Death Troopers about? It's a zombie story set in the Star Wars universe on an Imperial prison ship and and Star Destroyer. So basically, it mixes two things I enjoy into one gory story.
This story is, by no means, deep. There really isn't much for character development or character depth, although there are some attempts. It's your basic story of people trying to survive a zombie outbreak. The zombies are a bit more complicated than your run of the mill zombie which makes for a few interesting developments. It had a decent amount of gory bits and plenty of action.
I'm glad I listened to this book instead of reading it. I really loved the radio show feel. It made for an entertaining listen.
If you love Star Wars and zombies, I think you'll enjoy this audiobook.

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